As there are so many different online home based income opportunities to choose from and not all of them are legitimate or genuine, how do you really know if you can trust what you are reading? In a nutshell, the answer to that question is by doing your homework.

You can not just go online and expect the first home internet business opportunity that you come across to be a genuine opportunity.

Be prepared to spend time having a look at a lot of different home internet business opportunities so you can find the right one for you.

It is imperative that you thoroughly research each opportunity that interests you. Many of the home internet business opportunities are not that expensive to start in comparison to other business opportunities. For example you can spend thousands or even millions to start a franchise business. Probably, due to the fact that you can start in affiliate marketing for free, people tend to not check things out very well. You only find out an opportunity was not really genuine after you have wasted a lot of your valuable time.

It is recommended that you spend time visiting forums and find online reviews of each opportunity to find out what others are saying about it. This will tell you more than anything if you have found the genuine home internet business opportunities.

You can be certain that when people have a bad experience with a home internet business opportunity they will make sure and tell anyone who will listen.

So visit the forums and read what people are saying, plus ask questions about any home internet business opportunities that you are not sure of or need more information about. Here are some of the things that genuine home internet business opportunities will have.

1. A good reputation online. This is very important because you can tell a lot about whether a business is genuine based on what others experiences have been with them.

2. Marketing tools and other marketing help such as marketing materials, training, a forum or something else to help you when you need it.

3. Good customer service. The internet is vast so you will not always hear everything there is to know when someone is running a bad business. But if you dig deep you can usually get a pretty clear picture of genuine home internet business opportunities before you get started.